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Saab Global
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Occupational Health and Safety

A prerequisite for high performance and a sustainable work life is that we offer a safe, secure and healthy workplace from a physical, organisational and social perspective. Occupational health and safety is built into the business processes early on to address the risks that can be associated with assignments in high-risk environments.

Occupational health and safety management system

Our occupational health and safety management system (compliant to the requirements in ISO 45001) is integrated in the global management system, e.g. the process "Manage occupational Health and safety". Also, the process is a part of Minimum Level of Saab procedures. The occupational health and safety management system covers, except from employees, also temporary staff and external parties. The system is governed by Group Human Resources and annually audited, internally and externally.

Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation

The process "Manage occupational health and safety" within Saab's global management system, based on the requirements in ISO 45001, includes procedures for risk assessment, hazard identification, occupational health and safety incident reporting and safety inspections. The instructions of these activities emphasise the importance of involvement of the employees. The company language is English but the organisation provides information related to hazards and risks in the necessary local languages.

Due to the fact that our employees travel for work, some frequently, a special safety routine has been developed, called "Deployment ready". The purpose of this process is to reduce risks related to health, safety and security issues.

The occupational health and safety policy states the importance to engaging and involving employees to achieve safe and healthy workplaces. Furthermore, it reiterates that Saab does not tolerate any form of harassment, reprisals, bullying or other physical or verbal acts of an abusive nature.

Occupational health services

Occupational health services are provided to employees. The services are provided by recognised qualifications and accreditations, and comply with legal requirements and/or recognised standards/guidelines. The services are provided at the workplace and during working hours. The effectiveness of the services is evaluated and monitored by, for example, time for delivery, good performance and feedback from employees.*

In Sweden a steering group follows up on the provider’s services and delivery on a regular basis.

Worker participation, consultation and communication on occupational health and safety

Employee participation in occupational health and safety are based on legal requirements. Where applicable, according to national legislation employee representatives are appointed and participate in the occupational health and safety activities.

Saab’s occupational health and safety policy states that employees shall be involved in health and safety activities. Our process "Manage occupational health and safety", within the Global Management System, contains activities where employees shall be involved. These activities are the safety audit, risk assessments, identification of health factors, notifications and investigations of incidents and accidents and lastly health and safety meetings where safety work is documented and followed up.

Worker training on occupational health and safety

Occupational health and safety training is provided to employees. Where there are legal requirements regarding training, this is performed according to national legislation. The training provided is free of charge for the employee and during paid working hours.*

The process "Manage occupational health and safety" within Saab’s global management system, based on the requirements in ISO 45001, contains activities where legally required occupational health and safety training is identified.

Promotion of worker health

Activities are performed to encourage healthiness and promote wellbeing among employees. For example financial support is provided for physical training or cultural activities, events and competitions, boot camps, walking clubs, etc.*

In Sweden employees receive yearly a wellness allowance in order to encourage and support employees to perform health promoting activities.
Saab's occupational health and safety policy states the importance of encouraging employees to maintain a good balance in life and to look after their own health and the health of others. The process "Manage occupational health and safety" contains activities where risk and health factors are identified and followed up in the physical, organisational and social perspective.

Employees' experience regarding Health and Wellbeing are measured in the employee survey.

Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

Saab's business processes "Win business", "Execute business" and "Project management" contain activities to ensure that Health and safety risks are taken care of in an early state in the business process. The process "Manage occupational health and safety" contains procedures for ensuring safety for external parties at the workplace.


*The information above is based on information from Saab Sites in following countries: Sweden, UAE, South Africa, USA, Germany, Finland, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, Switzerland, Czechia, United Kingdom and Norway

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